When I returned for my latest season of my weekly Facebook Live Video Show, I kicked it off by dedicating a new 4-Part Series for the entire month of August to help my fellow online entrepreneurs create more video content with confidence!
Video is becoming more and more the most dominant and preferred medium on social media that we can ALL use to grow our personal brand business faster to gain the much needed visibility AND even more importantly, higher engagement!
One of the most common barriers to showing up with courage to have a consistent video (especially my fav type, LIVE Video) creation strategy to grow your personal brand business is how critical we are of OURSELVES in how we look on video. I know it can be daunting to get started and be the FACE of your brand. Isn’t it so ironic how we know we need and want more visibility but we also want to hide our face behind the camera?

With Grit & Grace, xo!
Tiffany aka Coach Glitter
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