This past weekend I was in Las Vegas working the huge BeachBody Coach Summit doing hair & makeup for my wonderful long-time client Fitness Celebrity Trainer, Fit Life Expert and New York Times Best Selling author, Chalene Johnson! For the final night’s big award show extravaganza Chalene found the most amazing dress that had a nude illusion liner with crystals and sequins strategically applied in just the right places. It instantly reminded me of Britney in the nude blinged bodysuit in her Toxic video and images of JLo and Beyonce with their stage performances and giant, lioness hair came to mind. Along with the hair and makeup inspirations I of course used my fave, Scott Barnes Body Bling. He created it several years back for his client JLo and you really do get her shimmery, tan, bronzed up glow all in that bottle. I actually used this on Chalene, her sister Jenelle and the super cute modifier who is in all her Turbo Fire videos, Alee for their workouts too. You can see how it really enhanced their skin and showed off their muscles!
Body Bling comes in two shades. The Original (and my fave) is a lotion that has a deep shimmery bronzer built right in. It’s best for medium, tan and deeper skin tones. You start off with just a pea size and apply it to each area of your body a little at a time. It looks very dark at first, almost like a shimmery chocolate pudding but once you blend it in just the way you apply a creamy body butter/lotion it looks very natural and gives you a great instant tan. It’s not a self tanner so there’s no committment. It just washes off in the shower. But it makes any bruises, leg veins, uneven skin, etc. look instantly better and of course makes your body look firmer & more toned the way a good spray tan does. It’s also a great alternative to panty hose. Wha?? Panty hose? That still exists? Well, yes it does although these days it’s rare to find someone who wears them unless they really want to make their legs appear better.
The newer shade, Platinum is perfect for fair & light skin tones. It has a more cool/pink undertone and is a great choice for those that don’t want to look overly tan on their paler skin. Make sure when you’re done applying to wash your hands or wipe them off on a damp towel as your palms will get really dark and shimmery.
So where do you get your hands on your own bottle of Body Bling? It’s tougher to find these days in stores although at one time I used to buy it Nordstrom. But no worries because my favorite online store for hard-to-find Pro Quality Beauty Brands and products, www.CameraReadyCosmetics.com has both shades available now! And I got my blog readers an exclusive discount code good for your entire purchase (except with Pro Artist’s Discounts) only for the next 30 days. The code is “tif2012” for 10% off now through July 25, 2012. Dont’ forget to check out my other blog for recommendations on other products that I love from Camera Ready Cosmetics like their amazing gel eye liner that’s totally water/workout/sweatproof for only $9.00!! http://coachglitter.posterous.com/this-is-where-the-pros-shop-for-makeup
xoxo, Tiffany 🙂
I <3 it, so glad there is a lighter color, as I think the darker is too unnatural for my tastes!! I’ve loved Camera Ready Cosmetics, ever since you told me about that fantabulous Gel liner!! Thanx for your awesome tips Coach Glitter:)