I woke up Thanksgiving morning and as I let out a big yawn I felt *that* sore pain. Nope, not from working out but a distinct soreness that was deep under my skin and I knew exactly what it was. It was a huge undergrounder cystic breakout just waiting to make it’s appearance. Best of all it was right on the edge of my left nostril opening. Fantastic visual right?! This one hurt so bad way deep down brewing under my skin that I knew if left alone it may grow to block my entire nostril opening! Super FAB visual right?
Well, here it is Sunday night and 90% of the soreness/pain is gone and the potentially horrendous breakout never made it’s way to surface!! How did I kill it “in it’s tracks”?? With my #1 secret sauce that works for me 99.9% of the time, Bare Minerals Blemish Treatment. http://www.sephora.com/browse/product.jhtml;jsessionid=UTADGEE455NY4CV0KRRRPIQ?id=P202656&_requestid=139718
I know i’ve been talking about this product for years & years & years but it is seriously my MIRACLE product!! Anyone who suffers from cystic/hormonal acne knows how embarassing and self-conscious it can make you feel. Plus I had a lot of events, friends and family to see this past holiday weekend! Even with all the makeup and airbrushing equipment I have you can’t exactly conceal a huge breakout blocking one of your nostrils!
What I love most about this product is that it really works. If you’re like me and not exactly in your teen years and find yourself fighting aging, wrinkles AND hormonal breakouts you probably know that what works for teenagers does nothing for us. Another thing I love about this product is that it works without stinging or drying out yours skin. It looks like a loose mineral powder and is easily disguised under your regular makeup. At night time you won’t go to bed frightening your husband/SO/partner with white polka dots all over your face!
If you don’t have this product yet this is the time to try it out! If you’re already a fan there’s no better time than NOW to stock up on it because they are re-packaging it and it’s on sale at Sephora, Nordstrom and probably any other store that sells it. Even if you’re like me and get the occasional breakout this is definitely something you want on hand in your “arsenal”. You just never know when a mean and angry breakout will sprout out at the most inopportune time!
Muah! XOXO Tiffany 🙂
**Just added 4/2012: I had no idea what “severe” hormonal cystic acne was until I started to experience them this past year. This product as much as I still love and use it didn’t really help with the severe ones. For more info on what did work check out this blog: http://coachglitter.posterous.com/zits-happen-tried-tested-true-products-that-r
**Update 12/26/10!! The Secret Sauce is still available on clearance at Sephora.com for $19 AND an extra 20% off for all sale items with code: EXTRA http://www.sephora.com/browse/product.jhtml?id=P202656&categoryId=C10214&shouldPaginate=true
I’m gonna try this out!!!!!!! I’m breaking out like a 16 year old!
Hi!:) first I want to say that you do a WONDERFUL job on EVERYTHING you touch! You do awesome work! which is why I’m asking you this. I can’t really find an email or anything for you. ( I can’t send a message on fb til you accept my request) so I really hope this is ok for me to ask here. I have suffered from severe acne since I can remember ( I’m 31 now ) it is way better than what it sed to be when I was younger… But it has left lots of scarring on my face. and at this moment I will be honest, I have tears in my eyes cause it’s what holds me back from so much. well my question for you is this… Is there any way to cover up the scarring some? I would be SO happy to hear any input from you:) and also want to thank you for all you put out for us to read, it all helps us so much!Trish
Hi Trisha! I kinow how you feel as i’ve experienced the self consciousness that comes from breakouts and scarring. I did a series of peels and microdermabrasion in my late 20’s not too long after I got the really bad breakouts and the scarring after. It was done at a medi-spa under doctor supervision. It helped the scars a lot so that I didn’t have to use so much makeup to conceal it which helps with more of the discoloration than it does with actual pitting and uneven texture. Nowadays there’s different types of laser resurfacing that can help smooth acne scarring but it works best the newer the scars are. I would suggest if your scars/breakouts are more severe to go see a dermatologist or medical esthetician if possible.