Foundation has to be one of the most challenging beauty products. There’s literally hundreds, if not thousands out there to choose from. It’s the one product that i’m always looking to discover the next better thing. The one that will finally make my far from flawless skin look as close to flawless as possible. These days the word flawless is a very relative term as every photo we see in the magazines and even sometimes on just Instagram are photoshopped to the point that they barely resemble any human i’ve seen in real life! So I do have realistic standards! I want coverage without looking too made up. You know, that caked on, heavy spackled, maskey, thick foundation face that looks like it needs to be chiseled off with tools from Home Depot to remove every night. Nope. That’s not want I want.
I do have several foundations that I love and use for myself and on my clients in my Pro Kit. You can read about those here:

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