We are all born with amazingly unique and wonderful gifts, talents and physical features that we are proud of but having great hair wasn’t something I’ve ever had. I wasn’t born with the “good Asian hair” like both my sisters got. I got other “gifts” instead but luckily you can buy gorgeous hair if you’re like me and wasn’t born with and/or you’re experiencing thinning hair like I have the past year. We could whine about how it’s not fair to lose your hair by the handful when you weren’t born with much to begin with or we can do something about it to get to the core of the problem which I have. For me, it was my thyroid and i’m thankful to my doctors and health practitioners both traditional and holistic who have helped me! My hair has slowly been growing back the last 5 months or so and i’m sprouting baby hairs that stick straight out of my head. Until my hair gets fuller, I knew I wanted to find the best clip-in hair extensions to create more variety with my looks & boost my confidence especially if i’m on stage as a speaker or the many Live Streaming Videos I love to do on FaceBook & Instagram! Inner confidence is a beautiful thing but I personally know from my 17+ years working as a professional makeup artist and wardrobe stylist that the extra cherry on top of that confidence sundae is when you feel just as proud of how you present yourself to the world. Keep on reading girlfriend, cause I have more info and a discount for you down below! 😉
So back in November I started researching and read through blog after blog after blog, even checked Yelp for reviews and of course Youtube for videos. I ordered several different brands at similar prices but there was a huge difference in the quality & thickness of the hair extensions despite making sure to always choose “Remy” hair which is the gold standard for any type of extension whether you’re clipping them in, gluing, taping or the many other types of semi-permanent that you leave in 24/7.
I personally only wear the clip-in style extensions although I have had the semi-permanent styles that you leave in 24/7 several years ago. That is because for my lifestyle where I get to work for myself from home, workout at random times between conference calls and for the vast majority of my day live a very casual style, it’s so much easier to clip-in the extensions whenever I feel like it or i’m going to be on video. If you ever tried to get your hair up in a high pony without letting your extension pieces stick out of your head, you know what a pain in the bootay it is!
So after testing out my favorite extensions that I purchased from Bombay Hair for over 6 weeks, I can finally share with you how much I love them! I really put them through the wringer like I do everything I share. I wore them at least 3 times a week in various styles, curled and recurled them every third time (they held the styles so well it wasn’t necessary to do it each time!), I washed them twice and they still look amazing! They didn’t shed all over the place or get tangled up looking like doll hair which some brands will do and they still look brand new!
There are many styles and color options including ombré colors but basically you choose the clip-in extensions by how long and full you want your look to be then you match to your color. It’s totally up to you whether you choose to go slightly lighter or darker if you’re in-between two shades but they colors are so forgiving since you’re placing them underneath your hair in sections. For most of us, especially with hi-lighted or ombré styles, our base color is darker so I’d recommend erring on the side of going to a slightly darker color vs. light but it’s totally personal preference. There’s a ton of examples on the website for you to check out too! As a reference, I got the “Bombay Boo” in the 18″ length and in the color Dark Brown. The picture above shows the difference in color between Dark Brown and Caramel Brown. I found the Dark Brown, like in the picture, to be slightly lighter than I initially imagined what dark brown would be like but it blends really well with my hair! Plus, because these extensions are the highest quality human hair you can cut, highlight & dye them too! Just let your stylist know before you make your next appointment that you have new human hair clip-in extensions that you would also like to get cut and/or colored.
Use my Discount Code: TLB10 for $10 Off any of your Extensions except for the “Bombay Baby” Style!
For hair styling tools only, use code: TLB20 for 20% Off. FYI, I haven’t personally tried their tools yet but the reviews i’ve read online while researching the extensions were just as great!
Click HERE to check out the website!
Here’s to gorgeous mermaid hair ladies even if you weren’t born with it!
Tiffany aka Coach Glitter 🙂
P.S. Just added the Facebook Live Video I did where I demo’d how to put them in and tons of tips plus the preview of the next It Cosmetics special one day only kit for QVC!
**DISCLOSURE: I may be an affiliate for some of the products that I recommend on my blog. Most of the products like these hair extensions I have personally paid for full retail price. If you purchase through my links I may earn a small commission. You will NEVER pay more when buying a product through my link. In fact, I oftentimes am able to negotiate a discount or bonuses/Gift With Purchase not available elsewhere. Plus, when you order through my link you are supporting my blog efforts and it helps me to continue bringing you lots of great deals! 🙂 Thank you, in advance for your support!
I’m having some hair loss issues too. My dem wants to do a biopsy, but, it could be thyroid. These look great! I may try a small one first. Do you know which products are best to cover scalp area, especially on top that show? Thanks!
Hey Valerie! I don’t know if you got a chance to watch my FB Live where I showed how to put the extensions in? It’s super easy but you can’t place them too close to the top of your hair unless you have enough of your own to cover them otherwise they will show through. The thinner the hair is on top, the lower you want to place each row of extensions. These types of extensions will give you more volume and length.
Thanks! I’ll try them a bit lower and continue to use a brown cover up on top. It’s moderate thinning, not severe. I’m glad these products exist 🙂
How much did you order? The website goes by grams?