Happy New Year, Gorgeous! Today is my first real day back to work after taking off for the first time ever, ever, ever in my career two whole weeks without scheduling any production shoots during the holiday season. Yes, I still did a little bit of work to develop other newer areas of my business and it wasn’t a vacation by most people’s definition but it was an amazingly blissful time for me to relax, focus on my health, read, be okay with having long periods of doing nothing, working out in the middle of the day rather than first thing in the morning, go to a couple of Happy Hours with friends and the hubs and to write! Oh boy, did I do a lot of writing! Just random journaling which i’ve never done before but ever since I learned about an “Evidence File in Chalene Johnson’s Courageous Confidence Club which is a groundbreaking program that she recently developed. I was lucky enough to have worked on that shoot so I got a jump start on working on it myself but she so graciously added it to anyone who is already a part of her Smart Success Academy including alumni like me! It finally just launched recently and is now available. Click here for more info about it! **I am not an affiliate for this program. I’m just passing on the info on a seriously fantastic program that helps you develop your own confidence which is the foundation to having more success in your life with your career, family, friends, significant others, with everything!
So this year, i’ve decided to do something really big and exciting and it involves YOU! My friends, clients and fellow mentorship group members know that i’m like a “human Yelp”. What the heck does that mean? That means that I’ve always been the go-to person that you ask when you need to find the best of the best… fill in the blank. Whether it’s a trust worthy car mechanic, air conditioning service, the best gluten-free pizza in OC, the best hot yoga studio, the best indoor cycling studio that feels more like a club than a gym, where to get the cutest jeans, what are the latest personal development courses and of course the best beauty products out there! That’s just what I do!
Well, i’m carrying that over here onto my blog as well as my FaceBook page which if you haven’t already “Liked” and visited just click here to please check it out when you get a moment! Starting this month I will be featuring a small business or entrepreneur who is doing great things to share enlightening information, gives great content on their FaceBook pages, have an amazing website, really great Pinterest boards or has a top notch product or service of some kind that we should all know about and need! It’s YOUR turn to be the human Yelp! I want to use my platforms as a way to give some much deserved exposure to entrepreneurs and businesses who are contributing to society in some positive manner and making our lives better with whatever it is that they do! While I don’t have a huge social media following with millions of readers, what I do have is more than enough to start this movement of raising each other up and bringing to light people and businesses that are just starting out or can just benefit from more recognition.
I’m betting at least a couple of names popped up in your head, right?! Perfect! I’d love to hear about them! All you have to do to nominate your fav business or entrepreneur that you think is totally cool and we all need to know about is to send me an email to info@coachglitter.com with the following:
- Name of the entrepreneur/business. Include their website/blog, FaceBook links if possible.
- A brief 2-3 sentence explanation of what they do, why you love them & think they should be featured. Please keep it brief! 🙂
The only no-no is that you cannot nominate yourself. Someone else must nominate you but if you haven’t already, please add your FaceBook page to this list as I have been and will continue to look for businesses to feature myself as well. I am personally “Liking” and checking out each page looking for some new super stars! https://www.facebook.com/coachglitter1/posts/839023592805537 Don’t worry, I will contact any perspective entrepreneurs/businesses for permission to feature them before I do 🙂
I hope you love and are as excited about this idea as much as I am because I cannot do this without you so please email me your nominations as soon as you can!
What a fantastic idea! I have someone in mind, I sent you an email. 🙂